Guía para el examen general de egreso de Piloto Comercial de Ala Fija CIAAC EGE-PCAF


Previamente compartí el temario que todo sustentante deberá de estudiar para presentar el examen de egreso. Pero la cosa no termina ahí. A continuación 

Hay algunas cosas que te resumo de la Guía para el sustentante del 2010 (publicada por el CIAAC) para que sepas en qué consiste el examen.

Consta de dos partes, una teórica y una práctica con los que te evaluarán no solo a ti, sino también a la escuela de la que eres egresado.

  • Examen teórico

Se presume que hay cinco diferentes tipos de exámenes teóricos. En los cuales se valoran las siguientes áreas denominadas de especialidad: legislación aeronáutica, medicina aeronáutica, comunicaciones aeronáuticas, navegación aérea, aerodinámica, sistemas de las aeronaves, propulsión, servicios de tránsito aéreo, operaciones aeronáuticas, meteorología aeronáutica, seguridad aérea, ética profesional, manuales de información aeronáutica y administración a las empresas aéreas.

No es un examen de velocidad, pero tiene un tiempo limitado de cinco horas y 30 minutos y se aplica de forma colectiva, es decir que estarás con otros 15 a 20 aspirantes. 

Es un examen de opción múltiple en formato de lápiz y papel, con las preguntas distribuidas en catorce secciones (el temario de la tabla anterior) y una hoja de respuestas anexa a un cuadernillo en donde deberás de sombrear la respuesta que creas que es correcta. 

El resultado lo entregan en un plazo que prometen no mayor a 10 días hábiles. Si lo apruebas se comunicarán contigo para posteriormente asignarte una fecha para la aplicación del examen práctico.

El tipo de preguntas o reactivos que vienen en el EGE-PCAF están elaboradas con diferente nivel de complejidad intelectual. Cada una de ellas viene con cuatro posibles respuestas A, B, C o D, de las cuales solo una es la correcta.

  • Examen práctico

Se presenta en una sola sesión con una duración máxima de dos horas en un simulador. Se divide en dos secciones, en la primera se pretende que demuestres tus habilidades y destrezas para realizar coordinaciones, virajes, ascensos, descensos e intercepciones. En la segunda sección se pretende que demuestres que puedes trabajar en un área específica como puede ser Área México, Área Acapulco, Área Monterrey y Área Guadalajara. Las áreas se asignan de forma aleatoria.

De igual forma los resultados los tendrás en diez días hábiles para que continúes con el trámite de titulación correspondiente (y luego el trámite de la cédula profesional ya que tengas el título en tus manos).

Materiales del examen teórico

  • Cuadernillo de preguntas

Consta de portada, instrucciones y reactivos

  • Hoja de respuestas


  • Recomendaciones útiles para presentar el examen

1. Procura visitar o ubicar con anticipación el lugar donde se llevará a cabo el examen teórico, identifica las vías de acceso y los medios de transporte que garanticen tu llegada a tiempo.
2. Preséntate con puntualidad a la sesión.
3. Descanse bien la víspera del examen.
4. Ingiere alimentos saludables y suficientes.
5. Porta un reloj.
6. Usa ropa cómoda.
7. Asegúrate de llevar el comprobante que te fue entregado en el momento del registro.
8. Lleva dos o tres lápices del número 2 ½, un borrador y un sacapuntas de bolsillo.
9. Llegue por lo menos 30 minutos antes de iniciar el examen, con lo cual evitará presiones y tensiones innecesarias.
10. No esta permitido el tener un celular al momento de entrar al salón de aplicación del examen, o cualquier otro dispositivo que permita la reproducción grafica del mismo.

Una vez que tengas el examen en tus manos administra tu tiempo para responder. No todas las preguntas requieren el mismo tiempo para responderlas. Consta de 405 reactivos y tienes 330 minutos, lo que significa que, si quieres responder las 405 preguntas en tiempo y forma tendrás que resolver 1.3 preguntas por minuto.

Posteriormente daré más recomendaciones y bancos de preguntas.

Recuerden que lo mejor que se puede compartir es el conocimiento.



Aircraft Weight and Balance Handbook - FAA - PDF





--> COMPRAR <--

The Aircraft Weight and Balance Handbook has been prepared in recognition of the importance of weight and balance technology in conducting safe and efficient flight. The objective of this handbook is twofold: to provide the airframe and powerplant mechanic (A&P) with the method of determining the empty weight and empty weight center of gravity (EWCG) of an aircraft and to furnish the flight crew with information on loading and operating the aircraft to ensure its weight is within the allowable limit and the center of gravity (CG) is within the allowable range.

Any time there is a conflict between the information in this handbook and specific information issued by an aircraft manufacturer, the manufacturer’s data takes precedence over information in this handbook. Occasionally, the word “must” or similar language is used where the desired action is deemed critical. The use of such language is not intended to add to, interpret, or relieve a duty imposed by Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR).


This handbook begins with the basic principle of aircraft weight and balance control, emphasizing its importance and including examples of documentation furnished by the aircraft manufacturer and by the FAA to ensure the aircraft weight and balance records contain the proper data.

Procedures for the preparation and the actual weighing of an aircraft are described, as are the methods of determining the location of the empty weight center of gravity (EWCG) relative to both the datum and the mean aerodynamic chord (MAC).

Loading computations for general aviation aircraft are discussed using both loading graphs and tables of weight and moment indexes.

Information is included that allows an FAA-certifi ated mechanic or repairman to determine the weight and center of gravity (CG) changes caused by repairs and alterations or removal and installation of equipment. This includes instructions for conducting adverse-loaded CG checks, also explaining the way to determine the amount and location of ballast needed to bring the CG within allowable limits.

The unique requirements for helicopter weight and balance control are discussed, including the determination of lateral CG and the way both lateral and longitudinal CG change as fuel is consumed.

Planificador VFR Flight Planner - PDF



Basándonos en otros diseños de planificadores para vuelos VFR (Flight planners) como los de ASA por ejemplo, hicimos este planificador al que le agregamos algunas ayudas que todo Piloto quisiera tener siempre a la mano. En el link de la descarga encontrarás un PDF listo para imprimir en dos formatos diferentes para tu comodidad.

Agradecemos cualquier observación.

Instrument Procedures Handbook - FAA - PDF




--> COMPRAR <--

This is the new 2015 edition of the FAA's previous Instrument Procedures Handbook (previously the FAA-H-8083-16).

This book covers all of the information needed to operate safely within the airspace system. In the FAA's Instrument Procedures Handbook (#FAA-H-8083-16A) the emphasis is placed on operations and procedural information for real-world use, which makes this the next logical step for pilots after learning basic instrument skills from the FAA's Instrument Flying Handbook (#FAA-H-8083-15B). Using this book, pilots can more directly apply the concepts to their current flying situation, and learn how their acquired skills are best used in today's IFR environment.

Considered industry-wide as a top source for instrument procedures information and a "must read" for all instrument pilots, this new 2015 edition brings pilots the latest changes to procedures and even more insights and guidance on how to operate safely within the national airspace system. Detailed information is provided for every navigation receiver and phase of flight on the required precision necessary to stay within protected airspace and to make a successful approach.

While it was designed as a reference for professional pilots, the specialized glossary, index, full-color illustrations and photographs in this book make it a valuable training aid for flight instructors, instrument pilots, and instrument students alike. Each topic covered is well-detailed and explained in user-friendly terms, along with full-color depictions to aid understanding.

Instrument flight instructors, pilots, and students will need this resource since it is used as a reference for the Airline Transport Pilot and Instrument Knowledge Tests and for the Practical Test Standards. Whether a pilot is a seasoned professional or recently completed an Instrument Rating course, this FAA handbook is sure to encourage more precise instrument techniques and ultimately create a safer pilot.

Pilot´s Handbook of Aeronautical knowledge - FAA - PDF






--> COMPRAR <--

This official Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) handbook provides basic knowledge essential for pilots on topics like decision making, aerodynamics, flight controls, weather theory, airport operations, and more.

This updated handbook introduces pilots to the broad spectrum of knowledge that will be needed as they progress in their pilot training. Written for the pilot preparing for a Remote, Sport, Private, Commercial, or Flight Instructor Pilot Certificate, it is a key reference for all the information necessary to operate an aircraft and to pass the FAA Knowledge Exam and Practical Test. The table of contents includes:

  1. Introduction to Flying
  2. Aeronautical Decision-Making
  3. Aircraft Construction
  4. Principles of Flight
  5. Aerodynamics of Flight
  6. Flight Controls
  7. Aircraft Systems
  8. Flight Instruments
  9. Flight Manuals and Other Documents
  10. Weight and Balance
  11. Aircraft Performance
  12. Weather Theory
  13. Aviation Weather Services
  14. Airport Operations
  15. Airspace
  16. Navigation
  17. Aeromedical Factors

This handbook introduces readers to flying and a history of flight, then explores the role of the FAA, criteria for earning the various pilot certificates, how to plan their flight education, and the examinations associated with earning a pilot certificate.

Beginners and advanced pilots alike will find the Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge to be their primary resources for all things aviation.

In addition to the most current FAA information, this edition features full-color drawings and photographs, an index, a glossary, and appendices of common acronyms, abbreviations and NOTAM contractions, and airport signs.

Airplane flying handbook - FAA - PDF





 --> COMPRAR <--

The Airplane Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-3C) released in 2021, is the latest revision developed by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
Features: 406 pages. Size: 8.5 in x 11 in. Black & White Print. Current in 2022.
This official FAA Handbook provides basic knowledge that is essential for pilots. This book introduces basic pilot skills and knowledge that are essential for piloting airplanes. It provides information on transition to other airplanes and the operation of various airplane systems. It is developed by the FAA Flight Standards Service, Airman Testing Standards Branch, in cooperation with various aviation educators and industry. This handbook is developed to assist student pilots learning to fly airplanes. It is also beneficial to pilots who wish to improve their flying proficiency and aeronautical knowledge, those pilots preparing for additional certificates or ratings, and flight instructors engaged in the instruction of both student and certificated pilots. It introduces the future pilot to the realm of flight and provides information and guidance in the performance of procedures and maneuvers required for pilot certification.
This handbook supersedes FAA-H-8083-3B, Airplane Flying Handbook, dated 2016.


Chapter 1: Introduction to Flight Training. 
Chapter 2: Ground Operations. 
Chapter 3: Basic Flight Maneuvers. 
Chapter 4: Energy Management: Mastering Altitude and Airspeed Control. 
Chapter 5: Maintaining Aircraft Control: Upset Prevention and Recovery Training. 
Chapter 6: Takeoffs and Departure Climbs. 
Chapter 7: Ground Reference Maneuvers. 
Chapter 8: Airport Traffic Patterns. 
Chapter 9: Approaches and Landings. 
Chapter 10: Performance Maneuvers. 
Chapter 11: Night Operations 
Chapter 12: Transition to Complex Airplanes. 
Chapter 13: Transition to Multiengine Airplanes. 
Chapter 14: Transition to Tailwheel Airplanes. 
Chapter 15: Transition to Turbopropeller-Powered Airplanes. 
Chapter 16: Transition to Jet-Powered Airplanes. 
Chapter 17: Transition to Light Sport Airplanes (LSA). 
Chapter 18: Emergency Procedures. Glossary. Index.